New Student Council officers have their sights set on next year
As new SCA officers rise to power for the upcoming 2018-19 school year, they discuss how they plan on changing the school. This new group looks to improve communication and reignite what they see as fading school spirit.
The newly elected President, junior Isabella Bournas, wants to see a more unified school. Bournas mentioned the Color Run as an example of this unification as National Honor Society, Future Health Care Professionals, and SCA all collaborated on the event. “I want people to know what things are and how to get more involved so maybe next year there is a feeling of a Panther family, and people want to show up to games and pep rallies,” said Bournas.
Before the beginning of her term, Bournas sent out a survey to the student body on which they could share what they did and didn’t like about this year. One of the most mentioned critiques was the amount of school spirit.
“I went through the surveys that were sent out, and it was clear that students in our school want to have spirit, so I think that while there isn’t much spirit now, there definitely can be next year,” said Bournas.
Besides spirit, another issue the officers want to address is representation and collaboration. Future Vice President Alexandra Batchvarova’s goal for the upcoming year is to ensure every student is heard. “I also want to see students from all clubs working for a common goal. I think that this will make kids more spirited and excited about getting involved. I just want everyone to feel like they have a voice,” said Batchvarova. The officers agree there is a direct relationship between the level of involvement and student representation.
Secretary Adrienne Yeh’s previous experience being on Panther Leadership Council has prepared her with ideas on how to make a difference. “I want students to feel proud to be part of this community, so I will try to create successful events for everyone that will be better than previous years. I also want to give spirited students more of a role in the school, so that their upbeat personalities can influence others to be more spirited,” said Yeh.
Treasurer Alex Basil has been working closely with SCA co-sponsor, Samantha Hill, and they have agreed Basil will be more involved in the decisions on how to efficiently use their funds. “I feel I am ready to take on the responsibility of up-keeping and sustaining the SCA funds,” said Basil.
SCA acquires most of their money through fundraising events, and Sergeant at Arms Nick Ren hopes to improve attendance at these events. “I hope to bring more awareness to sporting events and fundraising, through tweeting and using Instagram. If we can make it ‘cool’ to go to that stuff I think more people will show up,” said Ren. Ren’s role will be to lead pep rallies, so he hopes to have direct involvement in increasing spirit.
The role of Creative Director is to brainstorm outreach ideas and to coordinate decorations for events like homecoming and spirit week. “I’m super excited to decorate the school for homecoming, set up fun activities and booths for Fair at the Falls, and enhance the decorations at pep rallies,” said junior Abigail Asuncion, next year’s Creative Director.
Student Liaison, junior Annise Chaale has served as a class officer for two years, so she has experience collaborating with her peers. “I think there’s a lot of people from different groups on SCA next year, so I think that we’ll be able to reach out to more people,” said Chaale.