This young paint head has proven herself to be an upcoming superstar in technical theater
When someone thinks of theater, they picture actors performing, yet rarely think of the hard-working students who create the necessary sets. The new drama teacher, Corinne Fox, has nominated sophomore Casserley Grace as a student to showcase, but her talent is mostly seen behind the scenes. Fox primarily picked Grace for her ability to highlight that theater is more than performing; she stands out for her painting abilities.
“Cassie shows that theatre is so much more than just acting and singing. As much as we need and value our performers, we need artists of every sort to bring a show together and make it successful,” said Fox.
Grace started painting the summer before her freshman year and only began working with theater during “The Wizard of Oz” production last year. Inspiration comes to her primarily from her grandfather, who passed down his artistic genes.
“My grandfather was an artist who did whatever he set his mind to. He tried so many different styles and forms of art that it’s hard to believe he was just one person. His creativity and drive to do new things inspires my art every day,” said Grace.
Theater means a lot to Grace and has always been a way to bring her family closer together. Before she was involved in the school’s department, she attended shows with her family. She grew up watching “Les Miserablés” with her dad after school, and in the car her dad and her would have competitions to see who knew more musical theater songs.
“My favorite thing to do is go see musicals with my family and just create fun memories that I’ll have for the rest of my life,” said Grace.
Fox said that even though she is young, she is able to lead.
“Cassie did such a good job with helping to paint the set for the fall play that she will take on the leadership role of paint lead for the winter musical,” said Fox.
This is one of Grace’s main goals, so she’s thrilled to earn the position.
“One large goal for me is to be paint head for a production. Being able to have a position that combines my love of art with leadership is extremely important to me,” said Grace.
Her dream set to make would be the set from “Sunday in the Park with George”, which is a musical by Stephen Sondheim. The show’s first act is revolving around a painter and the painting he is creating.
“This set allows so much creativity and artistic interpretation which makes it one of my dream sets,” said Grace.
Fox has been a mentor for Grace since she took over the theater department in the fall.
“Ms. Fox has encouraged me so much this year; when I first walked into my technical theater class, the only thing that I was familiar with was painting, and now she’s taught me to use power tools, climb scaffolding, and overall grown my skills,” said Grace. “Ms. Fox is such a kind and encouraging person. She’s organized, and creative, she’s someone that I hope to be even the smallest bit similar to when I grow up. She’s helped me grow my love for technical theater and respect all the work that goes behind it.”
Fox hopes she will grow in becoming an expert in all areas of theater.
“I would like to see Cassie take on even more artistic challenges with regard to theatre like set design or even lighting design,” said Fox. Grace says a weakness she would like to work on is how stressed she gets. “I absolutely love drawing and painting and it’s very important to me, but I’m a firm believer that there’s always room for improvement in any skill,” said Grace.
Fox had some words of encouragement to this young painter. “You have a quiet kindness about you that doesn’t go unnoticed and will take you very far in life.”