Meet Anthony Lopresti: Candidate for SCA Sergeant-at-Arms


Anthony takes a picture with a duck. He cares about all living things.

Junior Anthony Lopresti is very confident that he will become our school’s next sergeant-at- arms, and it isn’t because he’s the only candidate. Lopresti was inspired to run because of his will to make our school a better place.

“I want to make the atmosphere more comfortable and fun,” Lopresti said.

After learning from the three previous sergeant-at-arms, he believes he knows what to do to be successful.He plans to make our school a better place by making the atmosphere a more fun and comfortable place, his plans include improving the pep rallies.

“I’m going to simplify the games at the pep rallies to make it easier to play and more fun to watch,” Lopresti said.

Presumably, he will be elected, so he will get a chance to fulfill his goal of making the school a better place. As sergeant-at-arms, he will be responsible for leading pep rallies and getting the student body excited for games.


Q: If you could be any fictional character who would you be?

A: “Harry Potter, it would be fun to be a wizard.”

Q: What is your biggest fear?

A: “Spiders.”

Q: Who do you want the next president to be?

A: “Anybody but Trump.”

Q: If there was a movie based of your life who would you want to portray you?

A: “Morgan Freeman”