Puterio Enters New Realm of Panther Territory Once Again
Potomac Falls’ new assistant athletic director has a familiar face- but fresh aspirations and goals as he moves to a new role within the same school.
Rob Puterio is a recognizable face at Potomac Falls, he is one of the few teachers who has been working here since the schools opening in 1997, and he was recognized last year for the schools 25th anniversary. Puterio has been a veteran economics teacher, but he is switching his area of interest to athletics starting in 2023.
Puterio will be replacing Christopher Tully, who is retiring at the end of a 15 year career at Potomac Falls. Puterio says this will also likely be the “last stop” on the journey of his career, and he does not see himself returning to the classroom.
“I found out Mr. Tully was going to retire, and I considered the change I have been considering for a few years now. I have been teaching for 24 years, and had enjoyed my time in athletics so thought about the switch. The last time I was an Assistant AD, and all through my coaching years, I had to be away from my family which included young kids. My kids are now grown so I have a little more latitude to spend more time here at PFHS,” said Puterio.
Puterio served as an Assistant Athletic Director at Loudoun Valley High School between the years of 2009-2011, the only break he took from working at Potomac Falls in its history. “I’ve done it before, and this position allows me to do it here at PFHS where I have spent most of my career,” said Puterio.
Although he may be within the same walls, Puterio acknowledges that this shift in his career is significant. “It’s a complete change. The only thing that will be similar is the chance to mentor some of our athletes and even young coaches, but it will be a big switch from the classroom,” said Puterio. Puterio will be working alongside new Athletic Director, Nicholas Siano to accomplish an ongoing list of goals that has been created with the new administration of Potomac Falls Athletics.
Much of Puterio’s focus during his time at Potomac Falls has been to create a “first class place to play and be.” This has been his mission for a long time, with Puterio saying that “I spent the years of the 90’s and early 2000’s doing everything I could to push PFHS to be the best building it could be.” In his early days and now, Puterio has had a unique care for the people of Potomac Falls, and is doing whatever it takes to make it a great place to be.
Puterio’s career at Potomac Falls has been spent being the SCA Sponsor and Assistant Activities Coordinator from 1997-2005 and Head Activities coordinator from 2006-2009, and again in 2013-2014, as well as being the Wrestling Coach and Head Softball Coach in the past, so Puterio has gotten a taste of the spirited and athletic sides of Potomac Falls in addition to his time as an Economics teacher.
Siano and Puterio have both the agenda and partnership to create an even more positive athletic experience at Potomac Falls. “Mr. Siano and I are of a like mind. We love the philosophy of saying “yes” to a lot of ideas. We want to make our staff and our athletes feel first class and valued, so we intend to push the envelope a bit to create a great culture and facility,” said Puterio.
The goal is for students to graduate from Potomac Falls with fond memories of their athletic experiences, for both players and fans alike. “ Win or lose, the experience of the athlete is paramount in the overall scheme of things,” said Puterio. Puterio gets joy out of watching students compete, and his love for both students and athletics is what drew him to this role.
Students can expect a lot from the new athletic administration in the next year or two, looking into the changes that have taken place in and around the athletic hallway already shows the determination our faculty has.
While new projects, new mindsets, and new ideas are filling the athletic hallways with excitement, those who are in charge are remembering why they feel a passion for Potomac Falls.
“We hope to help bring the academic and athletic sides of the building together, and regain some of the mentality that will make students and teachers proud to wear purple and black,” said Puterio.