Mr. PFHS contestant: Pokemaster Bill

Getting to know Bill Koepsell


Bill stares down his constituents

  Amidst juggling four AP classes, seven honor societies — three of which he is an officer of, and being heavily involved in both Sofa and drama, Bill Koepsell finds time to enjoy the finer things in life. In fact, adventure in all ways, shapes, and forms is his favorite activity because “variety and excitement are the salt and pepper of life.”

  Bill Koepsell is not a picky guy. Interested in going on a date with him? He doesn’t need special treatment, he insists. “A relaxing day at the park followed by laser tag or perhaps a carnival (or vice versa) is all I need to be happy.”

  Koepsell has major ambition. His future plans include developing super powers and using them to battle evil under the cloak of darkness, after which he hopes to settle down and become a stay-at-home dad out of fear no would be able to pronounce “Koepsell” at a board meeting.

 When asked of his talents`, he’ll exclaim “I’m a singer, dancer, skilled mathematician, and am even level 60 on Skyrim.  He’s more concerned with being hysterical than winning, but don’t discount his competitive edge and desire for victory. “I’m gonna get up there, be funny, make a fool of myself, and of course, win.”

Bill Koepsell’s Q&A:

What teacher are you most similar to, and why?

– “I’d have to say I’m a combination of Mrs. Hoilman, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Zoller because I’m eccentric and energetic like Mrs. Hoilman, Hilarious — yes I’m not afraid to say it — like Mr. Murphy, and really value free time and relaxation like Mr. Zoller.”

If you could choose to be raised by robots, dinosaurs, or aliens, who would you pick? Why?

– “Aliens, because I don’t think the robots have the capacity to love me the way I’d need to be loved, and the dinosaurs will eat me.”

Would you rather have $5 or your local WNBA team win the championship?

– “We have a local WNBA team?”

Never shave again or never trim your nails again?

– “Never I’d grow a Dumbledore beard and rock it.”

What is your favorite school lunch?

– “My favorite school lunch is the one my mom packs me. It’s delicious and usually has peppers.”

Be a pokemon trainer or a student at Hogwarts?

– “Wow you are making my dreams come true right now, but I’d have to choose pokemon trainer, specifically dragon type. Because who doesn’t love birds with scales?”

Tropical Smoothie or Robeks?

– “The one with pumpkins! Robeks has pumpkins!”

Be educated or be wealthy?

– “I’d rather be educated, so I could at least know why I was poor.”

If there were only one season, what would it be?

– “Fall, because during summer I’m always all sweaty and its just all gross and uncomfortable. I love the thought if the cold and winter, but then it just gets too cold and I hate it. Spring is just awkward and butting into summer and it rains a ton, so yeah, fall.”

Where is Waldo?

– “Do people really name their kids Waldo? I’m sure he’s being born out there someplace…”