Mr. PFHS contestant: DJ Dre

DeAndre Moore

DJ Dre

 Mr PFHS contestant, DeAndre Moore, plans to serenade his new school in this year’s Mr. PFHS competition. As a devout Mackelmore hater and J.Cole lover, Moore is musically inclined. Moore plans to become a recording artist.  “Most of my time is spent writing and recording music,” said Moore. Although he has musical aspirations, he would also like to get a degree from college, “I would like to get a degree in music business/fine arts.”

“I want to do Mr. PFHS because I kind of keep a low profile around here and I want to branch out,” said Moore.

 On a date, he likes to see the creative side of his partner, “We could paint all day and listen to our favorite songs.  After that, we’ll watch old 90s movies and talk about our dreams.”  He is also actively involved in the school drama department by taking part in the play “Take Ten! A Night of Short Plays.”

 For Moore, music is the only thing constant.  He has been able to keep a straight path with the help of his Uncle Jermaine.  Moore’s main goal is share his work with the world, “I want to reach the world with my songs.”


Kobe or Lebron? “I gotta go with Kobe.”

Do you know who Greg Hempenius is? “Nah.”

What celebrity do you have a mancrush on? “J.Cole.”

Are you for or against Richard Sherman? “100% for Richard Sherman”

Would you rather party with Johnny Manziel or Charlie Sheen? “Oh, definitely Charlie Sheen. Gotta live for the moment.”

Eminem or Jay Z? “Jay Z”

Top three worst rappers in the game? “Trinidad James, Wale, and Lil Twist.”

Will you be nervous performing in front of people? “No, I’m pretty used to it by now.”

Would you rather find $5 on the ground or have your local WNBA team win the championship?

“Oh definitely the $5 on the ground.”

Why are you so into music? “I relate to it more than anything. It’s easy to get lost in it.”