Mr. PFHS Contestant: Michael Havert

Mr. PFHS contestant Michael Havert tackles a new feat


  Gentleman, entrepreneur, and whale enthusiast senior Michael Havert awaits to sit upon the throne of Potomac Falls High School. The soon-to-be Mr. PFHS wields a personality that makes his competition look measly at best. “I am different from my fellow classmates. I am a man whereas they are all boys,” said Havert. When he is not hard at work on his scholarly duties, the unique contestant avidly participates and spectates sports of all kinds. “I love all sports. Except soccer and running; those are not sports,” said Havert.

  Havert has proven to show affection and concern for people of all different demographics. “I believe gay and interracial couples deserve the fair and equal rights that we enjoy,” he said. Not only sensitive to others’ feelings, he also keeps up to date on world news along with politics. “The drug cartel problem in Mexico is at an all time high. I do not believe that anyone can stop the ongoing violence south of the border,” he said. As April nears, Havert is ready to tackle his next obstacle: Winning Mr. PFHS.

More about Michael Havert: 

Why should students vote for you instead of everyone else?:

“I am polite and rarely late.”

If you could live in any time period which would it be and why?:

“I would choose the 80s (great music, great women, great times)”

What do you feel about the current state of drug abuse in Loudoun County?:

“It is certainly thriving.”

If you could choose two women in the entire school to be your wife, who would they be?:

“Definitely Catie Willett and Alex Woerner; they have some great hair.”

What animal describes you the best?:

“I am a tiger; I am a beast.”