A Frozen outlook on society

Disney’s animated film takes criticism for supposed gay agenda


Photo by: http://onmilwaukee.com

The cast of Frozen is portrayed as humbly and goofy as the movie leads on. The smiling faces and appropriate posing makes Swanson’s claims appear outrageous.

Disney’s films have always found a special place in a child’s heart. Whether it is the sarcastic genie in a bottle, a missing glass slipper, or warning children never to prick their finger on a spinning needle, Disney pictures prove to be timelessly entertaining and valuable. However, with Disney’s latest film Frozen, it has proven to be more than just simply entertaining.

“[Frozen] is just wonderful because it’s not your typical ‘princess falls in love with a prince and he saves her’ kind of movie. It’s about the bond of sisterhood, which is more important,” said senior Alex Woerner. However, instead of this sweet message that most would consider to be the movie’s theme, others think the childrens’  film actually has more serious underlying messages. Recent claims from pastor Kevin Swanson of the Reformation Church OPC in Colorado have said that instead of just a new loving film, Frozen is actually a source of gay propaganda.

This is not the first of Swanson’s attacks; he has also targeted Girl Scouts, saying that by purchasing their cookies you are promoting lesbianism and abortion. He also fancied the idea of stoning gay participants in this year’s Super Bowl parade and claimed “God’s wrath” against homosexual activity, abortion, and Colorado’s legalization of marijuana was the sole cause of the state’s floods last year. Although his previous targets seem absurd, attacking the innocent childrens’ movie seems even worse. “He’s reading into things that aren’t there. People are taking too many hidden meanings out of a child movie,” said Woerner.

Although Disney pictures always work to promote a kind and beneficial message for children, Swanson is convinced that Frozen’s true message is to promote the acceptance of gay rights. He considers this to be “evil works of the devil” and promoting young children to be “a lesbian or treat homosexuality or bestiality in a light sort of way.” However, what most think the movie’s true underlying messages were was one stating that “Family is above all,” said Woerner, or “That it’s okay to be different,” said freshman Mallory Levenhagen. Instead, Swanson has interpreted Disney’s cute film as something entirely different, something he perceives as evil.

The  “evil” subjects Swanson is targeting within the film include: too much feminism, beasiality, and gay propoganda. Specifically, he has targeted the character Anna, one of the main characters and princess, saying that she is “too independent, too resourceful, too much a symbol of feminism.” He also commented on how Disney changed the common theme of ‘boy gets girl’ love story with one focused on family, “her [Anna’s] love for her sister shows far more passion than her scenes with males – so there’s only one conclusion to be drawn. Gay incest.”

“She [Anna] was very independent and wanted to do stuff by herself, but that’s not a bad thing,” said Levenhagen. Well, since Anna didn’t show enough affection towards her love interest, Kristoff, he MUST have been romantically involved with his pet reindeer, Sven, instead.

Another claim was made saying that the relationship between the tough hunter Kristoff and his pet Sven was inappropriate and romantic. The way they interacted with each other during the film was deemed too affection, even sexual after listening to the song “Fixer-Upper” when the lyrics read “His thing with the reindeer – that’s a little outside of nature’s laws…” A lyric intended to be humorous spun into something perverted and literal. “It’s just how we would love a pet, just like a regular relationship between a human and a dog,” said Levenhagen. Although it seems unkind to target such a sweet relationship, the attacks against the other main character, Queen Elsa, are far more preposterous.

The entire plot is called into play with this attack, when Elsa is exposed for having magical powers of summoning snow storms and shooting ice out of her hands, she is ostracized from her kingdom and family. However, in the end (spoiler alert) she is accepted for who she is and welcomed back into the kingdom. This was then thought to be a parallel to how gays should be seen in society, or in Swanson’s words, “Demonization of homosexuals by society.” It was also mentioned how Elsa did not have a love interest in the film, therefore, sealing their argument that she must be gay.

Although everyone is entitled to their own opinion and interpretation of the film, most do not see the harmless children’s movie as evil or demonic. Even if the film did serve an underlying theme of acceptance, most wouldn’t see that as a bad thing. “I don’t have a problem with people being gay or anything, I’d still watch it,” said Levenhagen. Even if opinions vary, the film itself is still considered to be more entertaining than manipulative. “I don’t look at the movie that way. It’s a timeless classic, I leave it all up to my own interpretation,” said Woerner. In the end, Frozen is a children’s movie intended for children to watch and enjoy for themselves, it is unlikely that a six year old will form an opinion on homosexuality based on the film. Seeing as it is the year 2014, change has been and will continue to happen in all aspects of our lives, it could just take a simple Disney movie to help children and adults alike understand that that’s okay.