Time to pay attention

The pay gap no one wants to talk about

We have a tendency to think that the United States is the best nation in the world, and I’m completely fine with that.  I agree, as it happens.  However, even as the so called “best” nation, this doesn’t mean that we don’t have our flaws, and many of these flaws have gone ignored for far too long.

One issue currently glaring at us is the gender pay gap, which somehow still exists in 21st Century America, despite the fact that we tout ourselves as a shining example of equal opportunity and liberty, all the while completely oblivious to discrimination taking place right in front of us.  That is not to say that efforts have not been made to handle the issue.  In fact, a bill to close this gap recently came before the United States Senate, but wasn’t even debated.  As a matter of fact, it was blocked, and now odds are that it will not pass at all, let alone be heard.

I fail to understand how this could possibly happen, given that women earn on average only 77% of what men make.  I understand if there is a disparity based on hours worked on what positions are held.  Some positions should be paid more than others.  If you work more, you should be paid more.  However, there are women being paid less who work the same hours in the same jobs as men, and that’s what angers me.

There really is no justifiable reason for giving lower pay when two people are in the same position and work equal hours.  Discrimination is something best left in the wastebasket of history, and yet, here we are, with all too many businesses stuck in their old ways, thinking that it is okay to deny people payment they deserve.  If you think there is any reason that you can discriminate against someone and pay them less, then you need to wake up.  That was never right and it certainly isn’t now in the 21st Century.

I’ve always been taught that merit should determine reward.  I don’t care who you are.  I don’t care if you are straight, gay, male, female, white, black, skinny, or fat.  If you are doing your job as well as someone else under the same hours and conditions, then you should be paid the same.  If I was running a business, I wouldn’t be caught dead keeping people from being paid what they deserve.

Women have earned many rights over the years, including the right to vote.  It is only common sense that they earn the right to equal pay as well.  I don’t care if I’m a guy.  Equality for all matters to me, so don’t even be surprised that I’m a guy stumping for rights for women.

 Until things change, the best we can do is boycott companies that are stuck in discrimination mode.  Shame on you for shortchanging employees who work hard.  Gender shouldn’t matter.  Get over yourselves and pay up, you cheap punks.