You know what you did last night

No sympathy for those who get trashed and complain the next day

It is common knowledge by now that prom is followed by more afterparties than anyone can count, and that these parties typically have so much drugs and alcohol present that any DEA agent who happened to walk in would drop dead after their heart stopped from shock.

Leading up to these parties, people always talk excitedly about how much they plan to “turn up,” how trashed/stoned/obliterated/destroyed/etc. they plan on getting, all the while completely aware of how crappy they’re going to feel when they wake up the next day surrounded by around a half dozen beer cans.

I’m not going to judge you if you are part of this element.  I refuse to drink, smoke, etc. because I don’t see the point, but for those of you who do decide to, that is your decision, and the consequences, legal or health-wise, are yours to handle.  However, it is the people who do not realize the consequences, and actually complain about them, that tick me off.

It is also common knowledge as to what happens the day after you abuse something like alcohol.  People realize that and still get all excited about how drunk they’re going to be, thus indicating that they must know a hangover will surely follow.

The people who complain about the subsequent hangover are who irritate me.  You know what you’re getting into, and I don’t care who you are.  If you drink too much, wake up with a horrible hangover, and complain about it, I have ZERO sympathy for you.  Shut up and come to grips with your own stupidity if you can’t handle it.  However, if you keep to yourself about the matter, then I really don’t care one way or the other.  Just don’t come to me looking for sympathy and pity for how horrible your condition is, because it’s your fault.  You didn’t have to drink as much as you did last night.  The target audience of this editorial shouldn’t be drinking at this age anyway, but it’s also possible to drink in moderation.  Drink responsibly if you have to.  It’s on all of the commercials.

I realize that I’m touching a lot of nerves, but at this point, I really don’t have a tolerance for people stupid enough to bring negative consequences of which they are aware on themselves, and then appeal to people for pity and help because they feel like a victim.  Well, as it turns out, you are a victim…of YOURSELF.  If you wake up with a hangover so bad that you want to die, then you brought that on yourself.  Deal with it yourself.

If you deal with a hangover on your own, that’s one thing, and I don’t have problems with those people.  It’s the people who complain everywhere about it that get me.  Grow up and hold yourself accountable for your decisions.  It’s time people started doing that.