Class Officer Profiles

Dalya Saadoon wants to be your next senior class vice president


Photo by: Tessa Haas

Junior Dayla Saadoon’s hardworking personality and dedication makes her a prime candidate for vice president.

A determined and charming young lady, current junior Dalya Saadoon brings fresh ideas to her campaign for senior class vice president. Presently a junior class officer, also formerly a freshman class officer, Saadoon hopes to move the student body focus in a more selfless direction. “I want to give back and start a foundation because we [seniors] don’t have to raise money for prom, so we should fund for something, and that should be giving back to the community,” said Saadoon. She hopes to involve more students in the class panther project, something she liked working on as a class officer. “I want to bring people to volunteer more, I really like working on the panther project, and I want that to be our main objective,” said Saadoon. Generous as well as a dedicated student, Saadoon promises to give all her effort if elected. “I will get the job done, I will even give up sleep for it,” she said. Saadoon describes herself as someone who is diligent, helpful, and ambitious, exemplifying qualities that anyone would like to have in not just a leader, but a friend.


Q&A with Dalya Saadoon:

Who would you say is your spirit animal if you had to pick teacher?

“I would pick [science teacher] Mr. De Haas, he just gets me. He embodies Michael Scott from The Office, and Michael Scott is my real spirit animal.”

Who is your role model?

“My mom because she sacrifices a lot for other people and I want to be that kind of person when I grow up.”

Who is your favorite person to follow on twitter?

“I love @tbhjuststop, they are so funny and I favorite their tweets all the time.”

If you could live your life through a movie plot who would you pick?

“The daughter in the movie I Am Sam.”