Class Officer Profiles
Jasmine Ayazi wants to be your next sophomore class president
Photo by: Mena Ayazi
Jasmine Ayazi believes herself to be the best leader for the rising sophomore class, aiming to introduce creativity and spirit in the coming year.
With campaign posters plastered on every wall, it is no surprise that class elections bring out the competitive side of Potomac Falls students. Freshman Jasmine Ayazi wants to be your next sophomore class president for the 2014-2015 school year, and she’s certain she can do a good job. “I believe I can take on the responsibility of leading this class in a spirited and organized way,” said Ayazi. As president for the rising sophomore class, Ayazi hopes to boost the spirit of her peers and better involve every member of her class in school festivities. Given her prior experience with SAB (Sophomore Advisory Board), and a family full of past class and SCA officers, Ayazi feels prepared to take on the position. Ayazi believes her creativity allows her to take the lead and make changes when prompted to. “I want us to have more involvement throughout the sophomore class and the entire school,” said Ayazi.
Q&A with Jasmine Ayazi:
What positions are you running for and why?
– “I’m running for President for this rising sophomore class. I truly think I can do a good job of leading.”
What is something different you bring to the table?
– “I know what I’m doing and I am pretty creative. I take the lead when I need to.”
Favorite book and why?
– “Well I like all of Nicholas Sparks’ books. I can’t really choose a favorite.”
Are you on social media? Can students get ahold of you?
“Sure! I have an Instagram that I tend to go on. It’s just my name, @jasmineayazi.”
Who is your favorite politician and why?
“Barack Obama.”
Who is your idol and why?
“I look up to my parents because they’re very hardworking.”
If there was one thing about yourself that everyone should know before they vote, what would It be?
“I’m really cool, I swear.”