Class Officer Profiles

Sina Koshnevissan wants to be your next sophomore president

Class Officer Profiles

Sina Koshnevissan, currently a freshman, will be running for sophomore class president next year. This past year, he has served as the vice president of the freshman class and hopes to build on his foundation of knowledge he has acquired as a freshman. His primary goal consists of “Guiding the sophomore class to be more involved around school.” He hopes to use his already proven leadership to motivate and drive the sophomores to more frequent victories at school pep rallies and spirit events.


Q&A with Sina Koshnevissan:

1. What valuable lesson have you learned your first year of high school?

– “As VP, I learned that our grade didn’t understand the significance of the spirit days and pep rallies, and I want to change that.”

2. What teacher are you most similar to, and why?

-” Mr. [Adam] Jensen, I’m in his history class and I really enjoy both the class and him as a teacher.”

3. Be educated or be wealthy?

– “Educated, wealth doesn’t lead to success but education does.”

4. What is your favorite class?

– “Pre-AP world history with Mr. [Adam] Jensen. I’ve always liked history and enjoy learning about our past.”

5. What is your favorite movie?

– “Rocky IV, I love that series and that is the best movie of the series.”

6. What is your favorite food?

– “Mac and Cheese.”

7. What is your favorite day of the week?

– “Friday, it’s the end of the school week.”