Mr. PFHS Contestant: James Kenney

Senior James Kenney, who aspires to be supreme overlord of the the planet, takes his first step toward world domination by competing in Mr. PFHS. While Kenney is not completing his plans for world domination, he enjoys watching episodes of ‘The Office’ and indulges in a late night snack of a toasted English muffin layered with peanut butter, Nutella, and bananas. Kenney plans to go to Virginia Tech and study political science next year. What he loves the most about the time he spent at Potomac Falls is the different range of teachers that taught him throughout the years.

Q: What drew you toward the competition?

A: “I love making people laugh and I love making fun of myself, so I figured it was a perfect opportunity to do both of those or at least try to do both of those.”

Q: What interested you in entering the competition?

A: “A couple of my friends are doing it, but also a couple of other people who I don’t really know that well are doing it, so I figured it would be a good idea to get to know some of my peers before we ship off in six months.”

Q: What have you done to prepare?

A: “I have gone through pictures of me from middle school, which was bad and embarrassing. We’re going to start practicing soon, but most of that was going through my pictures because for my talent I’m going to be making fun of myself a lot, so I have been really grilling myself in my middle school pictures of me. It’s fun, sad, but hilarious.”

Q: Can you tell me anything you have planned for the competition?

A: “I’m duet lip-syncing with Jonathan Courtney ‘Por Ti Volare’, which is the last song in ‘Step Brothers’. For my talent I’m going to dress up at a photographer- all black with maybe a beret and thick rimmed glasses- and then I’m going to go through my profile pictures of me from middle school and just make fun of my self like an art exhibit. So it’s going to be like ‘Oh this piece is entitled ‘Oppression” and stuff like that.”

Q: If you could fill a room with one thing what would it be and why?

A: “Probably pictures of John Boehner, like wall to wall, because I think he’s a funny looking man and a funny person as well. He’s also a Republican so I like that. I think that would terrify people too, so that would be fun.”

Q: What is your most embarrassing moment?

A: “At a freshman football game, my friend’s little brother who was like six at the time, slapped me in the face in front of everyone. It was really bad but really funny. I was like, ‘Puff you can’t slap me in the face, I dare you, you can’t jump high enough.’ He started jumping and he pulled my collar down and just smacked me in the face. I was dumbfounded. It was embarrassing.”

Q: What are your hopes for the future

A: “I hope to become President one day. I hope to see the end of communism and evil, which the two are synonymous for me; it will never happen, but I can dream.”

Q: If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?

A: “If I could have a Kodiak Brown bear live in my house- like a full size adult one- and not murder me that would be phenomenal. If it was friendly, that would be ten times better than a dog because it’s ten times bigger. And they’re softer, I’m pretty sure.”

Q: Which fictional character do you wish you could be?

A: “Jim Halpert from ‘The Office’, easy. I love the way he is. He is very, very sarcastic and he’s very quick on his feet and I aspire to be as quick on my feet in thinking as he is. And he plays really funny pranks that I hope I can replicate amongst my peers when I’m employed.”

Q: How do you like to spend your free time?

A: “I watch a lot of triple D (Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives) on the Food Network. I play sports really badly- really just not talented. Golf is probably the worst one. I literally shot 50 over par one time. I had a good time so that’s what counts, but it was ugly.”

Q: If you were a food what would you be and why?

A: “I’m a croque monsieur, I’m a little out there, I’m pretty common in some places. Actually I’m a wiener schnitzel. I taste good, I’m very German, I sound inappropriate a lot of the time, and sometimes I’m not that mature, and it’s a veal.”

Q: What is your dream job?

A: “I would love to be supreme overlord of the entire planet, but President would do because that’s as close as I get unless I become some sort of tyrant and live in a hollowed out volcano somewhere and try to take over the world, but that’s not going to happen. President would be fine.”

Q: Which celebrity would you want to play you in a movie about your life?

A: “First one who comes to mind is Mr. Clooney because he’s very good looking, but I’m nowhere near as good looking as he is in his ugliest state, but I would love if Liam Neeson got to play me. I think we have very similar accents, we have very similar sets of skills that we have acquired over a long period of time. I would love for Liam Neeson to play me mostly for the accent. People will think ‘oh, wow he’s Scottish’. I would appear more interesting.”

Q: What is your favorite time of the day?

A: I love the morning because I am alone usually in the morning and I love my alone time. Right after the sun comes up- I get up at like six every morning by accident- I love being awake in the mornings just for my alone time away from the rest of society.