Mr. PFHS contestant: Forest Saunders

Mr. PFHS contestant: Forest Saunders

On a normal day in the school cafeteria, a singular voice is usually heard above all the others. Though many brush it off and treat is as any other loud noise in the huge room, the sound belongs to one Forest Saunders, a senior wrestler and football player. Not only is the voice booming and resonant, but also  backed by a funny personality that Saunders hopes will come through during the Mr. PFHS competition.

Drawing inspiration from his brother’s time as a contestant, Saunders is excited for next Thursday, with the hopes of making the audience laugh until they cry. “I am a funny dude, and I like making a fool of myself,” said Saunders. Using “humble”, “perfect”, and “America” to describe himself, Saunders is excited to have fun and be himself on stage at the competition. Showing off his national  pride, he will be lip syncing “Hound Dog” by Elvis Presley, an American classic, just like him.



Q: If you were stranded on a desert island what food would you bring?

A: “Taco Bell, because it is so good.”

Q: What is your biggest fear?

A: “I don’t fear anything.”

Q: If you had three wishes what would you wish for?

A: “To have dogs that stay puppies their whole life, a billion dollars, obviously, and being the President of Laos.”

Q: If you were a song what would you be?

A: “‘Party in the USA’ by Miley Cyrus, that song bumps. Look it up.”

Q: Would you rather have a brawl with Mike Tyson or an argument with Mrs. Hoilman?

A: “I think I’d go with Mike Tyson cause at least I’d have a chance there.”

Q: What teacher  has made an impact on you/can you relate to?

A: “Probably Mr. White.”

Q: If you could pick a fictional character to be real who would you pick?

A: “Air Bud, cause he is frickin’ adorable.”

Q: What is your favorite Twitter account?

“Cute Emergency (@CuteEmergency) for sure.”

Q: What is your dream job?

A: “Competitive eater.”