Meet Spencer Buehler: Candidate for SCA Sergeant-at-Arms

image (11)The role of Sergeant-at -Arms is not reserved for the shy type and for junior, Spencer Buehler, this is not a problem.
“I’m a people person,” said Buehler, “I’m not really shy and yelling into a microphone is something I could do.” This is obviously important as the Sergeant-at-Arms typically mans the pep rallies now and tries his/her best to get the students excited for the games.

“I’m doing this because I think I can just help out the school in any way possible. I know there are certain roles for each position, but I’m willing to do anything really,” said Spencer. Buehler also has some ideas that could improve the school environment.

“I’m trying to make the pep rally games better, more fundraising events like the dodgeball tournament because everyone likes those, and just more involvement in the community as a school,” said Buehler, “I just think the pep rallies could run smoother so I would definitely try to focus on that”.

Spencer Buehler is just as excited to run pep rallies as the students are to be funneled into them and if that does not get a vote, then nothing should.

Q&A with Spencer Buehler

Q: Did Dez catch it? (In reference to the Cowboys and Packers playoff game)
A: “No.”

Q: Are you Team Hillary?
A: “Yes, because she’s married to Bill.”

Q: Biggest fear?
A: “Failure and sleeping.”

Q: Anything else?
A: “Check out Kyle Hobbs’ mixtape dropping on SoundCloud on June 16.”