Meet Laila Sultani: Candidate for SCA Vice President

Junior Laila Sultani is running for SCA vice president.  She is involved with student government already, as she is currently the junior class president and has served on the freshman and sophomore advisory boards. Sultani’s involvement with school extends to numerous honor societies, Relay for Life, and the Red Cross Club.  Between juggling her different activities and responsibilities, she enjoys to spend her free time with her family and friends.  As a well-rounded student and candidate, she hopes to win your votes for VP!

Q & A with Laila Sultani

Q: What new ideas do you have for next year?
A: “Good activities that will help bring all the classes together and bring more spirit, to bring the juniors and sophomores and the freshmen and seniors together.”

Q:What are you most looking forward to?
A: “I’m most looking forward to helping with Homecoming and pep rallies when everyone is really spirited with the classes.”

Q: What would you change about SCA now?
A: “[I would] try to make more spirited spirit days.  Because, now, throughout the year, people kind of stop participating in the spirit days, but at the beginning they are all hyped up for it.  I want to make everyone be spirited all year.”

Q: What is your favorite thing that you have seen SCA do in the past?
A: “I liked Snowcoming.  The Snowcoming idea was really good this year.”

Q: Who is your role model?
A: “Cristiano Ronaldo, because he started out with nothing, but he worked his way up to become a world-famous soccer player.”

Q: What do you want to do after high school?
A: “Hopefully go to college and study medicine.”