Meet Kyle Hobbs: Candidate for SCA Secretary
Junior Kyle Hobbs is running for SCA secretary, hoping to add more fun activities to the school. Hobbs is hoping to become close friends with fellow SCA members if he wins.
Q: Why did you want to run for secretary?
A: I wanted to be on SCA because I felt like I could help out the school and help plan things and keep notes at our meeting and things of that nature.
Q: What are your plans if you get on SCA?
A: My plans are to make sure that the pep rally games are even more fun next year and also make sure that we’re more involved with more activities, like extracurricular activities, things we could do like the dodgeball tournament.
Q: What are you looking forward to if you win?
A: I’m looking forward to gelling with the new SCA crew and making new friends through SCA.
Q: Do you have any plans to study government in college?
A: No, I don’t.
Q: What is one thing you can’t live without?
A: Probably my headphones because I like to listen to music and I can’t function without music.
Q: If you were a food, what would you be and why?
A: If I were a food I would be macaroni and cheese because it’s delicious.
Q: What is your biggest pet peeve?
A: Whenever people leave the light on in my room when I had it off and then they go upstairs and leave the light on and I’m trying to go to sleep. It makes me mad.
Q: What is your biggest fear?
A: [My] biggest fear is failure for sure. 100 percent.
Q: What was your favorite childhood toy?
A: I have the same stuffed animal turtle since I was like born, practically. And I love that thing.