10 seniors. 1 stage. Who will win the crown?
March 17, 2016
For the past 12 years, Potomac Falls has put on a beauty-pageant type production called Mr. PFHS. This year, ten seniors will compete to see who will win the battle and be crowned Mr. PFHS. The competition is not just a time for these boys to go up on stage and goof off, they have to be themselves and show the audience that they are deserving of the title. There are four portions to the show: talent, question and answer, group dance, and a new segment called the “Wheel of Misfortune”, where the contestants have to spin the wheel and sing the karaoke version of whatever song the wheel lands on.
This year’s contestants are: Jackson Blodgett, Stefan Carter, Nikolaus Holmberg, Michael Johnson, Andrew Lathrop, Marquis Lee, Brennen Leresche, Raghu Srinivasan, Khalid Turkistani.
The boys are extremely serious about this competition and have wanted compete since they were freshman.
“I have wanted to do Mr.PFHS since sophomore year when Robert Smith threw his sunglasses off the stage and I caught them. I felt really cool and at that moment I decided that I wanted to do Mr. PFHS,” said Blodgett.
Memories like this are what Mr.PFHS is all about. It is a time for our school to come together and enjoy each others company before the class of 2016 graduates.
[In preparing for the competition,] “I am constantly going over what I am planning to do in my head, practicing and making sure I have everything down. I am actually taking this very seriously and not treating it as if it were a joke, ” said Leresche.
Along with the preparation in order to excel, the candidates are suppressing their fear of performance with excitement. As in the past, the opening number is bound to be a tremendous hit. The boys and the senior class sponsors, Martha Ryman and Ryan Khatcheressian, have been working incredibly hard to make sure the show is nothing but exciting and side-splitting.
The sight alone of ten guys parading around in dresses and singing along to songs from a Disney princess movie is entertaining.
“I play a mean Elsa”, said Johnson.
“You should be excited to see these men “work” to be Mr. PFHS.You must be a triple threat in order to win this crown. Mrs. Ryman and I don’t mess around and the faculty judges are tough.” Said Khatcheressian.
From armpit farting to “Magic Mike”, being escorted by a 6’5” volleyball star and adorable pups, this year will not only carry on the Potomac Falls tradition but will also createmany more memories.
“The audience should be ready to see a “production”, not just a bunch of senior guys goofing off on the PFHS stage,” said Khatcheressian.
Come out March 17 to the auditorium at 7 p.m. and get ready to see who is crowned Mr. PFHS. Remember, seniors get in free and general admission is $6.00. See you there.