Spring Sports Preview: Varsity Baseball
Being congratulated by a teammate, senior Michael Smith runs off the field. At a rival game against Dominion, Smith celebrated a run batted in. Photo submitted by Susan Smith.
March 17, 2016
With a record last season of 11-9, varsity baseball has high expectations of their players and playing ability this year. “Knowing that I probably won’t be playing next year, I just want to play my best,” said senior Michael Smith.
When the weather this season has been in the upper 60s and 70s, the team has been able to get out on the diamond a lot more than last season when they were found practicing in the parking lots of Algonkian Elementary.
“We’ve been doing a lot of conditioning and workouts together as a team rather than individually. It’s helped us to begin to work together as a team along with all doing the same exercises, so we’re kind of all on the same level,” said junior Nick Sweger who played varsity last year as well.
“The seniors are great leaders and are really helping the underclassmen transfer into the varsity level,” said sophomore Grant Griffith.
“I think the team’s best aspect is that we have a large group of experienced seniors, they have been playing on the field together for almost 4 years now so they know each other and how they play very well,” said Griffith. With nine seniors on the team this season, they all share the same goal of making this their best season yet.
“I’m most excited to play Stone Bridge. We caught the dub on them twice last year, so I’m sure they’ll be ready to play,” said Sweger. Key games that everyone should come out to are against our rival, Dominion at home on March 16, away against Broad Run on April 5, and away against Stone Bridge on April 14.
“I’m just looking forward to play with my brothers for one last season, it’s gonna be real fun,” said Smith.
The team’s schedule can be found on the Potomac Falls athletic website: http://potomacfallsathletics.org/main/teamschedule/id/20849/seasonid/3994331