Meet Lisa Ryan: Candidate For SCA Secretary

Photo by: Kyra Breslow
Sophomore Sarah Holz( front) and candidate Lisa Ryan(back) work on plans for LINK Crew. Ryan is a captain of LINK Crew and hopes this will help her in winning the election.
Sophomore Lisa Ryan has confidence in her chances of becoming SCA’s secretary next year due to her experience as sophomore class president and as the secretary of the freshman class last year. She also has many events to keep her busy, which she says makes her work better and harder.
“Since I’m already doing these events and I enjoy them all, it’s not like I’ll be able to procrastinate a lot since I’ll be booked and I’ll have fun things to look forward to,” said Ryan.
As secretary, she will push to get more students involved in more events at the school so that there is more diversity in the students that are participating in school events. With organization and leadership skills, Ryan believes she is more than capable of being a good secretary.
“I think that I should win because I have some background since I’ve been a class officer for two years and I think that I’d be able to help the SCA program next year,” said Ryan.
Q: What is your spirit animal and why?
A: “Definitely a monkey because they’re really fun and playful, and they do really awesome things.”
Q: What celebrity do you think you are most like?
A: “That’s a hard one, I’d say Taylor Swift because she’s very friendly, outgoing, and loves to have lots of fun.”
Q: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what book would you want with you? Why?
A: “It’s not a very popular book, but it’s called Room and it’s really interesting. It’s about this little boy that gets kidnapped and he didn’t know [about] life and it’s really interesting and it’s pretty long so it could be entertaining for a long time.”
Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A: “Avocados, I really like avocados.”
Q: You are chosen for the Hunger Games, how long do you think you would last?
A: “I think I’d last three quarters of the way. I’d be hiding most of the time and then someone would find me and they’d probably kill me.”
Q: Your favorite character from a book series has been brought to life, what character is it and what would you do with them?
A: “I’d say it would be Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh and I would hang out with him a lot and bring him everywhere and show all my friends.”