Meet Jack Taylor: Candidate for Vice President
With two candidates in the race to become SCA’s next vice president, junior Jack Taylor has a lot of confidence in his campaign. Taylor decided to run because he felt like he would be a great leader and would represent the student body well. Taylor thinks he is a good fit for SCA because he has been very involved with the school since his freshman year. Currently he is on the Junior Advisory Board, also the vice president of the Art Club, and is in National Honors Society.
If Taylor wins the vice presidential position, he wants to bring the spirit back and add another spirit week for spring to, “get people hyped because I feel like this time is just so stressful and maybe a spirit week might help people calm down and just be ready to finish off the year strong,” he said.
Taylor is looking forward to meeting new people and hearing everyone’s input to try and get people involved with what happens through the SCA and in the school. He hopes that everyone will give him a chance to change for the better.
“For me, I have always enjoyed getting to know people and to [be able to] represent people like that on such a wide scale is going to be exciting.”
Q: What is your biggest fear?
A: Being isolated in a sense because I am a very social person.
Q:If you could have any superpower what would it be?
A: Flying, because I would like to get to places I want to go faster and I don’t have to pay for air fare and that can get very expensive if you go to crazy places.
Q: If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life would would you pick?
A: Oh that is so tough I would probably pick mac and cheese because if you get the right mac and cheese it is gooey and savory and delicious and I mean you can’t go wrong with pasta.
Q: If you had to pick an emoji to describe yourself which one would it be?
A: The one with the eyes closed and the tongue out because I try and be like a little quirky and generally positive, but not like too out there.
Q: If you got three wishes from a genie what would they be?
A: I would want there to be an equal distributions of resources all around the world so that way everyone could live in a decant lifestyle. I would probably want a lot of money so I could help my parents out and pay for college for me and my twin brother who are going at the same time and that is going to be so stressful, and then I would like to grant the world a better understanding so there is less conflict. Not world peace, but just more understanding.
Q: What is your favorite theme song?
A: My favorite theme song The Big Bang Theory theme song because it’s just so different from any other theme song.
Q:What are your plans after high school?
A: My plans after high school are to go to college. I want to study marketing and advertising. I don’t know where yet.
Q: What is your favorite quote from a book or a movie?
A: My favorite movie or book quote is from Divergent, and it says “I am not the type of person to just sits back and let’s other people take all the risks.” This quote very much defines me as a person to a tee because I’m not afraid to jump at chances in front of me, and I never try to play it safe.
Q: Who is your favorite author?
A: My favorite author definitely has to be Veronica Roth. She wrote Divergent because I felt like that series kept up very well and in general. It’s hard to tell a story that hasn’t even happened yet.
Q: What clubs or sports are you involved in at the school or outside of school?
A: Outside of school, I am a ballroom dancer and I have been doing that for about eight years, and it’s almost like my sport in a sense because I can go there and I can just dance my heart out and really show what I know.
Q:Have you ever thought about doing Dancing with the Stars?
A: I actually have. It would take a while to get to their training level, but I think it’s possible.