Meet Michael Bloom: Candidate for SCA President
This year, there are two candidates for SCA president, so the race will be a tight one. Candidate and rising senior, Michael Bloom, hopes that his passion for making a difference at PFHS will be enough to land him the job as president. With leadership experiences like being vice president of a local branch of a nationwide service organization, Bloom thinks he has what it takes. Bloom wants to focus on giving more power to the youth at Potomac Falls, by doings things like making clubs more youth led. He also wants to improve pep rallies by working closely with the sergeant at arms.
“My motto in life is to try to help one person a day,” said Bloom.
Q & A:
Q: What made you want to run for SCA president?
A: “Well I’ve been a student here for three years and I’ve seen the leadership opportunity that
SCA has to offer and I’m a leader, I like to help people. When I saw that I had the chance to run for SCA president, I wanted to take that chance. I’ve been doing other leadership positions outside of school and when I saw that I had a chance to give back to the community here at Potomac Falls, I had to take that chance.”
Q: What’s something you’d like to do if you’re elected?
A: “If I’m elected, I’d like to see that our clubs are more youth led, I’d like to see that we have more outside organizations, like the You Matter Movement or the Amasongrace Project, implemented into our school. I also want to see that our pep rallies become a lot more exciting.
Q: What do you plan to do after high school?
A: “I’m planning to go to Christopher Newport. UVA’s a little bit of a reach for me, but that’d be a dream come true. Right after I’m done with college, I’ll hopefully go to law school.”
Q: What’s a day in the life of Michael Bloom like?
A: “I wake up, sometimes pretty early depending on if I have work. I’m a lifeguard so sometimes I have to wake up at 4:45. I’ll come here, I’ll go through school just like any normal student would. After I’m done, I go home and get all of my work done and maybe hang out with friends.”
Q: How would you balance senior year and being SCA president?
A: “I’m not taking the heaviest load, I’m only taking one AP. I’m actually cutting back on other things that I’ve been doing outside of school so I’d be able to focus a lot of my time on helping the SCA.
Q: If you were a raindrop, where would you land?
A: “Hopefully Hawaii, or somewhere tropical because I’m not about this weather.”
Q: If you could be an inanimate object, what would you be?
A: “I’d probably be a brick because then I’d be the foundation. That’s what I want to be here, the foundation of SCA.”
Q: Who do you look up to?
A: “I look up to my father, he’s a good leader. I look up to [a lot of other people too], Martin Luther King, the current president of SCA, Mark Mogensen because he did a really good job.”
Q: Is there anything you’d like the students at PFHS to know?
A: “I’m ready to help out!”