Meet Mackenzie Dorsey: Candidate for SCA president

Photo by: Photo Credits: Chris Pacifico

Dorsey running the 3200 meter at her last Wednesday night home meet this season. She participates in the school already and is ready to become even more involved.

Junior Mackenzie Dorsey is running for SCA president. Dorsey is very involved here at Potomac Falls. She is on the dance team and runs cross country as well as track. She is ready to balance all of the responsibilities that come along with being SCA president as well as continue with all the programs she is involved in currently.
“I’m ready to get the entire school involved,” said Dorsey.
Dorsey brings a fun, new peppy energy to the school and just wants everyone to get together and have fun. She is determined to bring back the exciting and fun activities.
Q: What makes you the best candidate to president of our SCA?
A: I’m very energetic. I’m very organized and I have lots of events planned.
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A:Grey’s Anatomy
Q: If you could be any animal what would you be?
A: A panda, so I could eat all day long.
Q: What would you do with a million dollars?
A: I would go on a European tour. I would eat everything in sight and then spent the rest on a treadmill to work it all off.
Q: Who do you look up to?
A: Definitely my sisters, my mom and dad. Also Ronald Reagan.
Q: What new ideas do you have for the school?
A: “’Parking Lot Party’ for one of our tailgates, a play on the country music song and Flapjacks and Flannels, [where] you have pancakes and wear flannels,” said Dorsey.