AP World Summer Assignment

School work begins in summer for AP World


  Advanced Placement (AP)  World History  is the first AP class for the  majority of high school students. It teaches the students how to take an AP class and focuses on note taking and its importance to a class. Since it is an AP class, there is a required summer assignment. This year’s summer assignment is to read and outline the first four chapters of the textbook, ask at least five questions after every chapter, and then answer eight Document Based Questions(DBQs) in paragraphs.

 These assignments were given to the students during the school year. While many are not ecstatic about doing the work over the summer, they know it will help prepare them for the class. It is said that students who take notes can average up to eleven points better on a midterm than those who do not take notes.

 “I’m not super excited to have a summer project, but I feel like it will make me more prepared for next year so that’s good,” said rising sophomore Haley Huchler.

 The amount of work for the assignment seemed overwhelming to students; however, they feel since they have the whole summer, they will be able to manage the workload.

 “I think the assignment is manageable as long as you use your time efficiently,” said rising sophomore Madelyn Decarli.

 The students also believe that the summer assignment will help them strengthen the skills they will need to have in AP World History.

 “I think this project will help me be better prepared for next year, especially the note taking portion. I’m kind of  clueless about how to take good notes, so I think this project will help me learn how to take good notes so I can do well in AP World next year,” said Huchler.

After hearing of the difficulty of the assignment many students  may not just fear the work in the class but the person who assigns this work.

“I’m not scary, the class is scary,” said Mrs.Bird.