Meet Anthony Lopresti
SCA Sergeant-at-Arms

Lopresti (right) plans out SCA events with vice president Dede Gilmore (left). Lopresti hopes he will have successful year as Sergeant-at-Arms.
Anthony Lopresti is this year’s Sergeant-at-Arms, who began his time as emcee at the year’s first pep rally. He feels that the school’s reaction to the pep rally was pretty positive and that the pep rally was great.
“I feel like it went pretty well, but we had to cut out a few games because of technical difficulties,” said Lopresti.
His main job is to help organize and carry out any events having to do with spirit. As well as looking forward to the future pep rallies, he also can’t wait for homecoming set up since he will be in a major leadership role. Many of the SCA members run cross country and won’t be able to make it, so the decorating will be in the hands of the decorating committee of 30 hand selected students.
Q & A
Q: What events are you most excited for this year?
A:“I’m most excited for the pep rallies and the homecoming dance [because] I’m the MC, and I’m one of the only people that’s going to set up for homecoming since most of SCA has a cross country race that day.”
Q: What about your position concerns you?
A: “Flopping during a pep rally or not doing well.”
Q: What are your primary responsibilities besides being MC at pep rallies?
A: “I help Charlie and Dede’s positions because we’re a team of three. We mostly do spirit points, pep rallies, and spirit things pretty much.”
Q: What qualities do you have that make you a good Sergeant at Arms?
A: “I can loud when I need to be, which is good for that.”
Q: Do you have any prior leadership experiences that you feel have helped you?
A: “I was a Senior Patrol Leader for my Boy Scout’s Troop, so I was in charge of the whole troop for the entire year.”
Q: How do you think decorating the staircases instead of the hallways will work out?
A: “I think it will work out well because the hallways are just too cluttered and I feel like you can be a lot more creative with the stairwells.”
Q: How do you feel the first pep rally went?
A: “I feel like it went pretty well but we had to cut out a few games because of technical difficulties.”
Q: What do you plan to do to prevent further technical issues?
A: “Probably practice more with the microphone since that was our main issue because the microphone kept cutting out.”
Q: How do you feel about the school’s response to the first pep rally?
A: “I think it was pretty positive.”
Q: What are you enjoying the most so far?
A: “Probably the SCA planning blocks, just planning tailgates and stuff like that.”