Meet Josie Roberts
SCA Public Relations Liaison

Roberts poses by a lake, her bright smile reflecting her personality. She hopes to make the school more united through involvement.
Josie Roberts is this year’s Public Relations Liaison and she is excited to bring the school and the community closer together. Her individual job is to maintain SCA’s public image but she also helps out all the other SCA members to organize and run events like the pep rallies, tailgates, and community service.
“We try to get everyone involved in the school, so for the tailgates we’re sending out flyers to elementary school people and then we’re going to go on the River Bend announcements,” said Roberts.
Roberts wants to mainly focus on getting the entire school involved in events that happen throughout the year. She felt that last year the SCA and advisory boards were too separate from everyone else and would like to change that throughout the year so that more people can contribute.
“I hope to [create] more of a family atmosphere and help people feel more involved in the SCA because we’re really trying to let people know that they have a say,” said Roberts.
Q & A
Q: Why did you decide to run for SCA?
A: “I really wanted to be involved in the community, and I always looked up to the SCA officers when I was an underclassmen.”
Q: What are some of your duties as Public Relations Liaison?
A: “I try to make sure that our image is good and that no one sees us as bad people or a waste of time.”
Q: What other things do you do in the school?
A: “I run cross country and I did soccer, but I’m going to do track [instead] this year. I was in the advisory boards freshman and sophomore year. I’m also part of DECA.”
Q: How do you balance those duties with extracurricular activities?
A: “It’s really hard, especially because our coach doesn’t really understand our duties, so he gets really mad at us and makes us sacrifice our time. It’s just a lot of time management, like in my first week I was crazy busy, now I’ve started to get on more a schedule. It’s just all about time management and I think SCA has really helped me with that.”
Q: What are you enjoying most about your position?
A: “I enjoy the atmosphere of SCA and I enjoy helping people see who we are and what we’re trying to do to help the community.”
Q: Not enjoying?
A: “I don’t really enjoy how much time it really does take and no one really appreciates it. I basically live at the school right now because after cross country I come back here until 9:00 at night to do stuff. Then I come back at 8:00 the next morning to do more stuff. No one really understands what we do.”
Q: How do you feel about not getting position of creative director?
A: “At first I was really upset, but I’m actually fine with it because creative director does have a lot more duties than I normally would. I feel like it’s one of the hardest positions in SCA, and that’s what I was told by the creative director last year. So I think that it was for the best and really it’s helped me grow as a person.”
Q: How did you decide on the homecoming theme?
A: “We took all of our options and we had 10 minutes to brainstorm by ourselves, and then as a team, [after that] we came up with our top three. Dr. Seuss was the one that we thought would go well once everyone understood how we were doing it because we want to bring the books to life.”
Q: Do you think that decorating the stairwells will work out? Why?
A: “I think it’s actually a lot better because the stairwells [make it] a little journey down or up, [depending on what you do]. There’s also always a little nook by the stairs where you can store things while you’re
doing it and you can actually decorate that space too. You could put a table there and have a cool decoration that no one can touch since it’s in the nook.”
Q: Do you get along with each other?
A: “We get along pretty well, we’re like a family. We spend everyday together.”