Meet Charlie Groscup
Charlie Groscup, this school year’s SCA Secretary, is handling the many tasks involved with the position one day at a time. As Secretary, Groscup is responsible for SCA’s new project involving the spirit points display. He runs this project with SCA Vice President Dede Gilmore. Groscup is involved in other school sponsored activities as well, such as student government and Link Crew, where he serves as a Captain. Groscup is looking forward to working with the rest of SCA for the rest of the year to develop upcoming projects that will help our school grow.
Q: Why did you choose to run for SCA?
A: “Well, over the past few years, I was a class officer, and I really liked that, but I wanted to do something a bit bigger this year… so I thought SCA would be a great opportunity… plus a lot of my friends said they were running, so I thought I would be with a good group… I thought I would get to hang out with them too, so it was a good deal.”
Q: What responsibilities does the Secretary hold and how they differ from the other positions?
A: “We all don’t really have specific roles assigned to our jobs, but we do have projects, and my fall projects [are] spirit days and spirit points.”
Q: Why do you think you were elected for the position?
A: “I’m pretty involved… I was in student government the past [few] years and I helped out with homecoming both years… I’m also in Link Crew as a Captain, so that’s a big part… for the summer SCA and Link crew are kind of intertwined a little bit.”
Q: If you could hold any other position in SCA — besides Secretary — which position would you choose (president, treasurer, vice president, etc.)?
A: “No, I really like being secretary I don’t think I would want to be President and have to do all that stuff I’m happy where I am.”
Q: What’s your most notable contribution to the SCA?
A: “I’d say in the meantime we’ve been here planning the pep rally, because that was a big effort. Dede, Anthony, and I kind of got the ball rolling on that… that was our job.”
Q: How well do you and the other SCA members work together?
A: “I think we work really well together, because it’s not like one person dominates. We all contribute ideas and we don’t really zone others out; we listen to each other and know [that] if someone has a better idea, but someone [else] has a different idea, we can compromise on it.”
Q: How are decisions made (vote, collective discussion, compromise, etc.)?
A: “Yeah, we vote a lot of the time and kind of go through the pros and cons and what could go wrong with one idea, or what could maybe work better with another. If we [have] a handful of ideas we kind of just come to a compromise and kind of blend the best of both worlds together.”
Q: Do you enjoy having SCA as a block period in your schedule, or would you prefer it to be more like a club, with after school meetings?
A: “I like it being in school because I’m very busy with cross country and schoolwork, so I don’t know if I’d have time after school and outside of school. And it’s kind of nice to just get stuff done while you’re already at school, and I really enjoy the class and it’s really fun, so it’s a really nice break from the stress of the school day.”
Q: Why did you choose Dr. Seuss for the homecoming theme and how did you come to that decision? What results are you hoping to find from a theme like this (what costumes, stairwell decorations, etc. did you have in mind when picking this theme)?
A: “I was thinking people would probably just pick books to use like different major Dr Seuss books and dress up like them and i thought it was a really good idea because for the last two years it’s sort of been the same thing like “let the games begin” and “cities around the world” kind of like an Olympic theme and we really wanted to do an Olympic theme this year because you know summer Olympics but we thought it was too similar to what it’s been the past years but i really like what we chose.”
Q: Why did SCA make the decision to change hallway decorating to stairwell decorating?
A: “Just to make it a little more different I guess, and because it’s easier to do it with the stairwells because we can leave them up all week, whereas, [when they’re in] the hallways, people have to cutout papers on lockers and they get torn down a lot and so people don’t really get to see them unless you’re on SCA or helping your class decorate their hallway. We thought it’d be a good idea so that way everybody can get in on the spirit week.”
Q: Pep rallies last year were kind of a bust… what steps is SCA taking to improve them for this year?
A: “We’re making the pep rallies more creative this year, our first one was Olympic themed. I don’t know yet what we’re gonna do with the rest of them, but it will probably be a big difference from the past ones.”