Freshman to Watch: Janika Perezous
Photo by: Richard Anderson
Breaking records in just ninth grade, freshman Janika Perezous shows incredible speed, leadership, and attitude on the swim team. With her first season under her belt, her Coach Katy Touve expects great things from Perezous in her next four years here. Perezous’ contagious energy is why Coach Touve nominated her as the swim team’s Freshman to Watch.
What are her strengths?
Coach Katy Touve: “She has many strengths that lead her to be successful in the pool and academically. She works very hard at every practice. She gives 100% and more at every practice. She is a team player and helps out other swimmers with stroke technique, turns and starts.”
Can you describe the energy they bring to the team?
KT: “She brings a lot of energy to the team by cheering on other swimmers in their events. She is a role model when it comes to practices, always one of the first swimmers in the water and never complains about the set [and] this is usually her second and occasionally her third practice of the day. She encourages other swimmers to push a little harder when they race.”
What surprised you the most about this athlete?
KT: “What surprised me the most about this swimmer is that she is always willing to do what the team needs her to do. She approaches any event she is asked to swim with 100% effort. She always wants to do her best and score the most points possible. She never complains that she is not swimming her best events. I was additionally surprised at how good she was in all the strokes, not just backstroke and breaststroke.”
Why did you recommend her for this?
KT: “I recommend her for this recognition since she has set several team records this school year and did very well as a freshman at the District, Regional, and State meet. In her best event, the 100 Backstroke, she won the event at both the District and Regional meet. She placed third at the State meet. She set a new team record in the 100 free with a time of 52.43 and helped with two relay records, the 200 Medley Relay and the 200 Free Relay. She was very close in several other events and should break those records over the next couple of years.”