Freshman’s First: First Quarter Of High School

Freshmen Sarah Gabriel reflected on her first quarter of high school.

Moving from middle school to high school is a big step in many students lives; however, it is often seen as terrifying. For freshman Sarah Gabriel, high school has been like a fresh start. 

There’s always that idea that high school is much harder than middle school and freshman year can be a shock to most. “I haven’t felt like [the classes] have been as hard as everyone said they would be,” said Gabriel.  

Gabriel is challenging herself by taking honors classes, which can make it difficult to manage time when the workload is unknown. Despite these obstacles, she has been able to take advice on prioritizing work from her older sister, Emma Gabriel. “She lets me know what to expect from each class, which has been a big help so far,” said Gabriel.

Gabriel began her first year of highschool by joining the varsity field hockey team. “Everyone has been so nice and welcoming,” said Gabriel. Even though it is her first year playing the sport, Gabriel’s skill has made such an impact on the team that she is now featured in the starting lineup.

A new school with more people can be intimidating, especially when you are the youngest and smallest. Making new friends and branching out is, without a doubt, the best way to feel more comfortable in a new environment. “I have been able to make so many new friends both in my grade and upperclassmen,” said Gabriel. 

One of the biggest differences in the transition is the new level of responsibility. Now that you’re older, there are more opportunities for youth to take charge and lead. “I really like the level of freedom,” said Gabriel. 

Freedom comes with the choice to choose: choose what clubs to join, what classes to take, what sports games to attend, whether to go to the dance or not. Gabriel has used her new freedom to join FCA and Green Team. 

Both clubs are very active in the school, giving students ways to express themselves around their peers. “I joined Green Team because our earth is kind of trash right now and I want to do my part in helping fix it,” said Gabriel. 

Gabriel grew up going to catholic school and transferred to River Bend her eighth grade year. “I joined FCA because it was a new outlet for me to express my faith in school,” said Gabriel. 

Gabriel has been able to adapt to the new school environment and work through the challenges she has faced. “I can’t wait to see what the next years of high school bring,” said Gabriel.