El Rata Alada: Batman Review

El Rata Alada: Batman Review

Holding a strong 85% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and  featuring British heartthrob Robert Pattinson and critically acclaimed actress Zoe Kravitz, The Batman has proved that Christopher Nolan’s trilogy of the films may not be superior after all.

Premiering on March 4, The Batman had the best opening weekend so far this year. Ranking $55 million on the day it dropped, according to Screen Rant, the movie has “beat Christopher Nolan’s  The Batman Begins’ opening weekend in just one day.” This positive acclaim is just one out of many, with IMDB critics rating the movie a 8.6 out of ten, an impressive feat. 

The movie starts off with Gotham City mayor Don Mitchell being brutally murdered by a mysterious man wearing a mask that looks awfully similar to a plague doctor, minus the beak. Gotham City is much like Nolan’s landscape — dark and gritty. Calling himself “the Riddler ”, he awakens solemn the Batman (Robert Pattinson) from years of isolation and sets off a chain of creepy, “fan-girl” events that requires Batman to work with the Gotham City Police Department (GCPD) Lieutenant James Gordon. 

Upon introduction as Bruce Wayne, Pattinson exudes what fans and critics alike called “emo” vibes, looking down on the floor while listening to “Something In The Way” by Nirvana. This Bruce Wayne is definitely not the same as Christian Bale’s or Ben Affleck’s portrayals of the billionaire industrialist.

The film follows the crimes of the Riddler and the letters he leaves behind for the Batman; each one consisting of a clue to lead Batman to his next crime. One such clue read “El rata alada” or “a rat with wings” and indicated that there’s an informant in a corrupt case handled by the GCPD who will soon be exposed – or worse. Sounds creepy? It gets much creepier from here on out.

*Spoilers ahead*

Batman quickly finds himself in a predicament, when he discovers that Mayor Mitchell was having an affair with a woman named Annika, who was a waitress at the Iceberg Lounge and roommate to Selina Kyle (Zoe Kravitz). This loud yet seedy nightclub, which seems suspicious shortly after it is introduced, is operated by mobster Penguin, as well as Carmine Falcone, both of whom can not be trusted. As Batman locked eyes with waitress Kyle, a small-time cat burglar the audience can assume is Catwoman, though her title is never spoken, and the tension between them becomes clear immediately.

True to the comics, Catwoman walks the fine line between hero and villian and works together with Batman, though her primary goal is to avenge her friend’s death, to solve the identity of the Riddler (Paul Dano). The movie’s duration is almost three hours long with several twists and turns along the way. Nevertheless, the intensity of the action paired with the melancholic sounds of Nirvana made it impossible to keep the eyes off the screen.

Pattinson has established himself as a Hollywood leading man with his acting versatility and may have Gen Z asking, Who’s Edward, anyway? The same can be said for Zoe Kravitz. Known for being the stepdaughter of Aquaman and daughter of singer Lenny Kravitz, Zoe Kravitz has stepped out of her parents’ shadow and well into the spotlight.

But overall, the role that demonstrated what it means to be a true actor is Colin Farrell. Transforming into a stout balding man, Farrell is unrecognizable with the cosmetics and looks like a true Italian mobster. Dubbed the “sexiest actor alive” by Glamour in its March 2022 issue, his character Penguin certainly would not fit the mold for any kind of compliment like that. 

Expect to see The Batman nominated for countless awards in 2023. With excellent acting performances, makeup and cinematography, it can already be called an “award-sweeping season” next year with this movie.