How to Avoid 4th Quarter Burnout


With AP Exams, DE Finals, SOLs, and more, here are some tips to get through the last stretch before summer break

For most students, 4th quarter is the dreaded time where nonstop studying, anxiety, and “senioritis” kick into full gear. With the right approach, getting ready for these end of year tests can become less of a burden and can help end the school year smoothly. 

  1. Stay organized

Being organized can be very helpful and can allow you to get to work faster without wasting time looking for assignments. Keep your notes and classwork in folders or binders for easy access through this grueling time. Using a planner or agenda can also be very useful to make sure you are setting aside enough time outside of class for homework and reviewing for these big exams.

  1. Attitude is Key

Rather than entering the 4th quarter with the negative mindset, view the beginning of the quarter as a fresh start and the last hurdle before three months of freedom. These end of year exams may seem daunting, but having a confident attitude can help make the process a little easier.

  1. Pace Yourself

Cramming for an exam may not only cause anxiety, but can also send you into a full fledged panic. Avoid procrastinating for a big exam by prioritizing content and creating a schedule to realistically cover all the material you need to know.

  1. Use your time wisely

Have a free study block period? Instead of going on your phone, use that time to study for your upcoming exams. Taking advantage of small periods of free time because they can make a big difference to your exam score.

  1. Make Sure to Take Breaks

Taking a break from studying can help increase your motivation and avoid exhaustion. Giving yourself a reward for studying can increase productivity and help you get through this stressful quarter. During your break, try getting some exercise, talking with a friend, or taking a power nap.

  1. Try Different Study Strategies

Experiment with different study tactics until you find an approach that works best for you. Try creating flashcards, joining group study sessions, or rewriting your notes to see which methods work and which don’t.